reading the introduction to “Beyond Resistance!” it is amazing that we still marginalize
youth in so many ways. The opening chapter discusses the ways in which youth
have been making strides in getting a voice in such a political world. Though
we live in society that tries to view itself above the degradation of age, sex,
race, gender, ethnicity our politics speak otherwise. As mentioned in the book
laws are put into act that further punish youth for stepping over the line and
act disobedient. This has caused a increases in drop-out rates, arrests, trying
adolescents as adults and has even pushed students onto the streets in cities
like New York. It comes as a shock to think that people view children as our
future but continue to push their interest aside to better their own position.
In thinking about the fight for youth to reduce the voting age to 20, it’s
amazing that there hasn’t been a bush to further reduce the age to 16. Youth
tend to be ignored and their interests are viewed as disobedient and unruly.
But in a world where adolescents are not given political voice what other
options are afforded to them to gain a voice. While politics are heavily
invested in money and personal gain, youth are left with minimal options to
have a voice heard. Though there are more and more organizations like InnerCity
Struggle and FIERCE which are giving a voice to adolescents there seems to be
so much more that we can do.
While my
project does not look directly at the marginalization of youth, I hope that it
gives them a voice to discuss their own concerns with the environment. I will
be making a curriculum to help students understand and appreciate the natural
world and the environment and become readers of issues regarding these topics.
I intend to have students begin to look critically at the issues revolving
around the world in regards to environmental concerns. Through this
understanding and critical approach, I hope to motivate students into becoming
activists to help make a better future for themselves. It is apparent that as
adults we have lost the relation that the world belongs to everybody and not
just the ones in power or at least the voice to vote. Hopefully a project that
gives youth that want to become environmental activists comes from my
curriculum as I begin to implement it. This would give power to youth and one
more voice to defend the environment.
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